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Divided By Zero Books creates literature for warriors by providing science fiction content geared toward patriots with authentic depictions of service members.

It began as a father and son writing zombie stories during the son's deployment; they continued writing after he came back. It snowballed into a whole series of books that all began with The Thin Line of Life.


I've worked as their in-house editor since 2015. This has offered me an opportunity to read these stories in their many forms. Through edits and revisions, I've had the pleasure of elevating their stories with them. It has been thrilling to watch as they evolve as writers; it has also allowed me to constantly use and improve my editing skills.


The catalog we have created includes stories about zombie outbreaks, alien invasions, intergalactic wars with cannibals, and a comic anthology series of the web comic G. I. Low by P.S. Barlow.

All titles are available on Amazon in paperback, eBook, and/or audio book formats.

I am the editor on all of the following:


The Thin Line of Life Series:

The Thin Line of Life Volumes 1 and 2

To Russia, With Zombies

(Along with previously released editions  under variations on these titles)


Infinite Winston Saga:

A Slice of Death

The Liberation of Earth

Tales of a Liberated Earth #2: Rough Riders Rendezvous*


P.S. Barlow's Comic Anthologies:

B.F.A.: Origins and Basic Training Saga

Blank Firing Adapter: Mosquito Wings and Tear Drops

The New Low


Other Projects with Divided By Zero Books:

When They Come for You

The Forever Sleep

You Can't Be Twelve Forever

Veterans of the Belron War


Modern Zombie Survival Course Level 1


*I co-created, wrote, and edited Rough Riders Rendezvous with Derwin Lester II


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